Spring days in New Mexico can be cold sometimes, and wind can fill the air with fine sand, making the sun seem pale and small and far away. I have even seen snow blanket apple trees already white with blossoms. But May 17, the day we launched One More Last Chance was perfect. The sky was a deep turquoise blue, the cottonwoods along the Rio Grande were in full leaf, and the air was fragrant with Spanish Broom and Russian Olive. A great day to be outdoors—if there weren’t so much fun going on inside!
Just over fifty new friends and old joined me at El Pinto Restaurant in Albuquerque’s rural North Valley for an amazing lunch. You know all those dishes that Carlos makes at the Dip ‘n’ Dine? Well, El Pinto makes them too, and we feasted on cheese enchiladas (red), chicken enchiladas (green), sliced pork with red or green chile, sopaipillas dripping with honey and a yummy dessert that was something like tiramisu—if Carlos made tiramisu.

We had drawings for gift baskets filled with spa products made in New Mexico and a copy of One More Last Chance throughout the afternoon. We also had an author Q&A led by my sweet sister who came from North Carolina for the event, and I read a selection from the book. But I have to say that, by far, the best part of the day was all the people who came out on that glorious spring day to help me launch One More Last Chance. There was a whole table of young moms from Calvary Chapel in Rio Rancho, New Mexico, and they were darling! I got to hug a dear woman who taught my Sunday School class when I was in grade school—and the friend who I used to get in trouble with in that class! I met friends of friends, and daughters of friends, and women whose connection I never quite got, and it was wonderful to meet them all. I would have loved to pack everyone up and bring them home with me!

Well, One More Last Chance is on her way, and I am back in California. I have book four in the A Place to Call Home Series to write, and the edits for At Home in Last Chance will be arriving soon, so it’s back to work for me. But you know what? At Home in Last Chance will be releasing next early spring, and I think it deserves a good party too! So the wheels are already turning. I’d love to see you then!
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