Some things never change…and some things change you forever.
A Place to Call Home #2
Chris Reed, the new owner of the Dip ‘n’ Dine, wants nothing more than to turn the old diner into a destination restaurant showcasing contemporary southwestern cuisine, the kind of place that draws folks from miles around. Last Chance, however, wants Chris to just leave well-enough alone. To his “If things don’t change, they die”, they reply, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.
Leading proponent of the anti-change movement is Sarah Cooley, who has returned to Last Chance to teach second grade mainly because change doesn’t seem to have reached Last Chance. After a tumultuous engagement in which her fiancé was all about change—especially all about changing Sarah, she is ready for a little stay-the-same.
But things don’t stay the same, not even in Last Chance. Chris finds himself the guardian of his sister’s abandoned seven-year-old daughter and Sarah’s old fiancé begs for a chance to prove that he’s changed—and for the better this time. With both their lives spiraling off in directions they never dreamed they’d go, Sarah and Chris find that holding their own plans a little loser makes it easier to see that God has a plan for their lives, too. And they can rely on that plan being good. That’s one thing that never changes.